The neighbour living 1 storey above me is renovating... super noisy.
Everyday early in the morning start work. Cannot even sleep.
Thn daddy working night shift also cannot sleep.
Thn ytd the living 1 storey below me de come up ask "are you're renovating??"
If we are the ones renovating, already so dusty, who will still close their door and trap themselves in the stuffy dusty room =.=
Looks like they are taking up their floor tiles with hand-drill. Ytd until now still not done.
Lucky my house got 2 toilets... The people outside the window dunno doing wat... Thn if use kitchen toilet, can see in. =.=
Everytime i want do homework, start doing thn sian diao. Now even worse. Sian diao nvm, still got the irritating sound. How do??
2:00 PM